6:00 PM18:00

Re-Election Campaign Kick-Off

Howdy friends,

 It has been a great year in Fort Worth, and we have accomplished so much by working together. We raised the minimum wage to $18 for all city employees, approved keeping the property tax rate flat for this year's budget, ensuring it remains below the no-new-revenue rate, and increased the homestead exemption for seniors and disabled residents to $80,000, to name just a few achievements.

Let’s continue to move Fort Worth forward, the fastest-growing city and 12th largest in the nation, as well as the best place to work, live, and raise a family.

 We’re excited to announce our bid for re-election in the 2025 election cycle. Our Re-Election Campaign Launch will be on January 16, 2025, at Trinity River Distillery, beginning at 6 PM. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing you at our launch.

 Sponsorship levels are as follows:

• Yeehaw Host: $5,000.00• District 8 Presenter: $2,500.00• Rodeo Madness: $1,000.00• Wild West: $500.00• Cowboy Friend: $250.00• Horse Shoe Attendee: $100.00

 Tickets can be purchased via: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/chris-nettles-1

You can also RSVP to attend via email at info@chrisnettlescampaign.com and choose your own amount to donate to support our re-election bid.

 Let’s saddle up for Fort Worth & District 8 in 2025!

 Yours truly,

Councilman Chris Nettles
The People’s Champ

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